• Testimony

Meet the experts – Kévin Beillard, roofer

Kévin Beillard is a 30-year-old roofer and zinc worker, the son and grandson of a roofer. He has been in the trade since the age of 14, after completing an apprenticeship and obtaining his CAP (a French vocational training certificate) in roofing and zinc work with the Compagnons, an organisation of master craftsmen and artisans. […]

Kévin Beillard is a 30-year-old roofer and zinc worker, the son and grandson of a roofer. He has been in the trade since the age of 14, after completing an apprenticeship and obtaining his CAP (a French vocational training certificate) in roofing and zinc work with the Compagnons, an organisation of master craftsmen and artisans.

His career path has taken him from job to job, from roofer’s helper to roofer, right up to becoming his own boss. His expertise lies in metal roofing and cladding, particularly zinc and aluminium.

An obvious career move

This trade emerged as a natural choice for him as his father had a business in the field while he has always been aware of the strong demand for skilled labour in it Over the years, he has developed a passion for the trade, admiring the beauty of the final result and the challenges he faced getting there.

His favourite part of the job is the finishing touches, when the worksite is nearing completion. After having worked closely with customers and partners, this is when all the groundwork comes to fruition.

Tubesca-Comabi products for all his daily needs

For his worksites, Kevin mainly uses scaffolding from Tubesca-Comabi.

He particularly appreciates the light weight and durability of these products, which make working at height much easier. He highly recommends them to other craftsmen for their ease of assembly and practicality.

His most memorable job?

A worksite in St Brieuc where a narrow passageway made access very problematic. Thanks to the lightweight Tubesca-Comabi’s products, he was able to work smoothly, demonstrating the effectiveness of this equipment in complex situations.

Three words to describe his trade

Dedication, elevation, and creativity

A final word?

“Once a Tubesca-Comabi fan, always a Tubesca-Comabi fan…”

  • Tubesca ComabiManufacture and design in our 2 factories in France.
  • Tubesca ComabiOur design office will assist you with your custom projects.
  • Tubesca ComabiOur products meet the highest quality standards.