Join the Tubesca-Comabi team

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Why join the Tubesca-Comabi team?

Tubesca-Comabi is an agile company with more than 300 emlopyees and boasting notable expertise in its field, creating a strong driving force behind skill development and career-long training, encouraging accountability and creativity.
The company’s know-how and expertise has been built by its people, who constitute one of its key assets. Each and every one of them demonstrates commitment and contributes on a daily basis to the collective performance, ensuring total client satisfaction.
When you join Tubesca-Comabi, you sign up to its values, which form the cornerstone of its mission: Working day in and day out to provide clients with better access at heights.


invested in training each year


employees attended one or more training courses in 2022

Training at Tubesca-Comabi

Attentive to the ambition and drive of its employees, the company supports its team members throughout their careers, helping them to develop their skills.
Regular reviews with their manager mean they can assess their employee progression within the company and prepare themselves for the evolution of their career.
When you choose Tubesca-Comabi, you choose a company with its sights set firmly on the future.


Tubesca-Comabi offers students the opportunity to discover the company’s universe.
Regardless of contract type, the company offers support and training in various roles, also giving interns responsibilities.

Gender equality index

The French Avenir Law of 05 September 2018 means that companies with more than 250 employees must publish their Professional Gender Equality Index, in line with legal and mandatory methods. Companies with a score below 75 points out of a possible 100 points must then make changes to ensure compliance.
Tubesca-Comabi, which is truly committed to acting on social matters, has already implemented a strategy over several years with the aim of promoting diversity and equality between men and women within the company.
Tubesca-Comabi’s total score for 2022 is 88 points out of 100.
This result of the efforts that the company has implemented, which demonstrate its committal to respecting gender equality.

Home office

At Tubesca-Comabi, employees are given the option of working from home to help them maintain a better work/life balance. Tubesca-Comabi’s vision of working from home is built on a win-win concept, which is equally beneficial for the both the company and the employee. This is why the company offers a system that can be assessed and adapted for each position.

Let our employees speak!

Cheffe de projets Marketing

Emma Dupraz

Cheffe de projets Marketing Tubesca-Comabi

Mon aventure au sein du Groupe Frénéhard & Michaux a commencé en 2014 en tant qu’alternante Assistante Marketing pour la société Tubesca-Comabi.

Après l’obtention de mon Master, j’ai été directement embauchée en CDI pour occuper le poste de cheffe de produit. Dès mon arrivée j’ai compris que Tubesca-Comabi accordait une attention particulière à l’évolution des jeunes recrues en leur confiant de vraies responsabilités et de belles perspectives d’évolution.

Directeur Industriel

Christophe Wattelier

Directeur IndustrielTubesca-Comabi

J’ai rejoint l’entreprise Tubesca-Comabi en 2011 en tant que Responsable QHSE et je suis aujourd’hui Directeur de l’usine d’Ailly-sur-Noye. Depuis 11 ans je n’ai pas vu les années passer. On ne s’ennuie jamais de par la polyvalence des projets mais aussi car il y a toujours des évolutions, innovations qui rythment notre quotidien. Au fil du temps, j’ai vu l’entreprise ainsi que le Groupe changer et évoluer et c’est une fierté d’avoir participé à tout ce que nous avons accompli !

Cheffe de projets et d’études de prix

Johanna Haesslein

Cheffe de projets et d’études de prix Tubesca-Comabi

De cheffe de projet junior R&D à cheffe de projets et d’études de prix, il m’a été possible de profiter d’évolutions en interne sur une grande diversité de projets ce qui m’a permis d’acquérir de nombreuses compétences et notamment en gestion de projets. Le Groupe Frénéhard & Michaux offre des opportunités pour se développer et grandir.

There is bound to be a project to match your ambitions

Send us a spontaneous application
  • Tubesca ComabiManufacture and design in our 2 factories in France.
  • Tubesca ComabiOur design office will assist you with your custom projects.
  • Tubesca ComabiOur products meet the highest quality standards.